Report an incident

This form has the purpose of reporting social/personnal incidents that happened at the workshop.

For any other type of message, please use our general contact form.

At BQAM-E, we aim to make our space a safer space for everyone. If something happened that threatened this goal, we would like to know more, to take action if necessary.

We believe in a form of conflict resolution that aims to establish communication as direct and respectful as possible between people. If harm has been done, we want to center the needs of the person who has been hurt, while helping the other person repair the harm they have done.

Note that you do not have to identify yourself, but it is necessary if you want to participate in the resolution process. Also please note that the person who wrote this translation is not a translator, and it might be imperfect.

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    © 2022-2025 - BQAM-EPictures : Sarah AncéWebsite : Vert Partout